Arklow CBS

School News for Week Ending 15.09.2023

school News

School News for week ending 15.09.23

Meet our new Head-Boy and Vice-Head Boy

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Head Boy: Aaron O'Brien & Voice Head: Adam Collier

Following a hard-fought campaign and an election, we are delighted to introduce our Head and Vice Head boy for the coming academic year 2023/24.

Our new Head-boy is Aaron O’Brien and our new Vice Head-boy is Adam Collier. A huge congratulations to these two young men. We know they will do a fantastic job representing the school and wish them well in their new roles. We would also like to thank and congratulate all the candidates who put their names forward for the roles.

TY Law school


Our TY’s attended a Law School workshop facilitated by Law Ed. This was a 2-hour workshop where the students were given an insight into the workings of the Irish legal system and were advised on the various careers that can be pursued with a law degree. This was a most enjoyable ad educational workshop. Thank you to Ms. Garvey for organising.

3rd Year Gardening

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Some of our 3rd Years showed off their “green fingers” as they got busy in the garden this week. Under the supervision of Ms. Battye they sowed a variety of tulips and hyacinth bulbs which should be in full bloom for Spring 2024. A huge well done to all involved.

Breakfast Club


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Breakfast club is running every morning in the P.E hall. This is a free service where students can avail of tea and toast and is available to all students.

After school training


After school training is back with a bang in Arklow CBS. We would like to encourage all students to participate or even try out a new sport. It’s a great way to get some exercise, fresh air and to make new friends.



Basketball training with Ms. Merrigan

Senior training takes place on Monday evening from 4-5 in the P.E hall.

U16 training (3rd year and TY students) takes place on Tuesday evenings from 4-5 in the P.E hall.

Senior soccer


Senior soccer training with Mr. Doyle on Wednesday evenings from 4-5. All senior players welcome.



Athletics Training takes place from 4-5pm on Thursday with Mr. O’Gorman. All welcome

Gaelic Football Training


Gaelic training with Mr. Fanning resumes next week. Please note that a gum shield is compulsory for training. All students welcome.

The training times are as follows:

1st Year Tuesday 4-5

2nd Year Monday 4-5

3rd Year Wednesday 4-5

Soccer trials

Soccer trials for U15 soccer takes place on Thursday from 3.30.-4.30 with Ms. Cummins.

Dates for the diary

Opening of Year School mass 2023

We will celebrate our annual opening of the school year mass on September 29th in St. Mary’s and Peter’s Church, Arklow at 12p.m. The celebrant will be Fr. David. Parents are welcome to attend.

Open night

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The much-anticipated Arklow CBS Open Night takes place on Thursday October 19th for prospective students from 5th and 6th class. We look forward to welcoming you all to our fantastic school on the night.


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Don’t forget you can keep up to date with all that is happening in Arklow CBS by following us on the school’s various social media platforms.

Arklow CBS,
Coolgreaney Rd,
Co. Wicklow,
Y14 RV04

0402 32 564

© 2024 Arklow CBS