Some Practical Help:
Method 1:
Which do you find easier to learn from of the 2 below:


Minimise information
Only top up with information you don’t know
Here is an example of Deception in Othello – 5 paragraphs with quotes to support

How long will this take to review versus the full essay?
Method 2:
Or use this method – to reduce down your notes

Method 3: Some Kinesthetic learners like this method:

Make columns of pink post- its, then move them into row and/or diagonals of pink post-its. Read out loud every time you move them.
Method 4: Or sketch notes:

scene 1 on right
What works for you
Method 5: Flashcards

Say answers out loud
Have 3 sets of cards, A daily weekly and fortnightly set.
Put the ones you struggle with in your daily set, if know it move it to weekly, if you get it right it goes to the fortnightly set or if you get it wrong, back to the daily
Mix up your flashcards for different subjects – Try 15 mins flashcard work in morning
How I make flashcards – what’s the knowledge you want to learn
e.g quadrant equations – write out equations on front and answer on the back x 20. Deal yourself 4 and test yourself.
Below is a Youtube video to help you:
Remember Quizlet software is free and will have almost every topic from every subject covered electronically with flashcards already made. Wordwall also makes flashcards.
Method 6: You can just make your own notes, remembering to reduce down