Junior Cycle Book and Resource List 2024/2025
All required schoolbooks, workbooks, novels/plays, exam papers and core classroom resources will be provided by the school under the Schoolbook Scheme 24/25.
Depending on subject choices some items may be required to be purchased by parents/guardians throughout the school year. Teachers will notify parents/guardians of such requirements if they arise.
NOTE: all schoolbooks, workbooks, novels/plays, exam papers and core classroom resources remain the property of Arklow C.B.S. and so must be treated with care and respect. Any items lost or damaged will not be replaced and the obligation will be on parents/guardians to replace them.
The following items will be supplied to 3rd Years
- A4 soft back copies -1 per subject
- Pack of three highlighters
- Pack of 12 colouring pencils
Booklist: 3rd Year 2024/25
Note: All books will be supplied by Arklow C.B.S.
Irish |
Higher Level: Mol an Óige 3, 2nd Edition, C.O’Shúilleabháin/T.Geraghty (Gill Education)
Ordinary Level: Mol an Óige 2, 2nd Edition, C.O’Shúilleabháin/T.Geraghty (Gill Education)
English |
The Merchant of Venice (Educate.ie) 2nd Edition
Take the Plunge, latest edition, F. Kirwan/E.O'Donovan (Folens)
Maths |
Connect with Maths Junior Cycle Higher Level, , J.McKeon/M. Kelly/G.Russell (Edco)
Connect with Maths Junior Cycle Ordinary Level, J.McKeon/M. Kelly/G.Russell (Edco)
Note: Level will be indicated on student’s reports
History |
Making History, Dermot Lucy (Gill Education) 2nd Edition
Geography |
New Geography in Action - Junior Cycle Edition, N.Lenihan/J.O’Brien (educate.ie)
French |
Allons-y 2, Bergin/Fogarty (Educate.ie)
German |
Viel Spaß! 1 & Viel Spaß! 2, A.M. Newell, N.O‘Rourke(CJ Fallon)
Horthemen Junior (New Ed, green cover) J & D Hayes (Fallon)
Science |
Essential Science, D. Kennedy R. Lawlor S. Finn (Folens) 2nd Edition
Business |
Smart Business, First Edition, John Taylor (Folens) - same book as last year
Religion |
Beliefs in our World, G.Carley & P.Finnegan (Gill Education)
Art |
Art Pack - retain from last year
Music |
Sounds Good 2: Music for the New Junior Cycle, Laura Lynch (Edco)
Technical Graphics |
Discover Graphics, T.Sheppard/ S.Costello (Folens)
Woodwork |
Wood Technology , Michael Cross (Edco)
S.P.H.E. |
No book required, All material used for SPHE can be found on link below, under the 2023 toolkit:
C.S.P.E. |
A World of WellBeing (Workbook) – retain from last year
P.E. |
T-shirt, half zip, tracksuit pants and shorts, ALL CRESTED, only available to buy from www. jfsports.ie.
Also black sports socks and gum shield.
Football boots are required for use on the sports field.
Long hair must be securely tied back from face for PE class.
All items should be labelled with the students’ name.
Note: Any items purchased online can be exchanged for different sizes as long as they are not personalised.
Link to shop:https://www.jfsports.ie/product-category/club-shop/arklow-c-b-s/
18.06.24 |
UNIFORM FITTING DAY, Tuesday 18th June 2024 from 8:00am - 11:00am