Arklow CBS

6th Yr Booklist 2024-25

Books that are marked with an asterisk (e.g.*) SHOULD NOT be bought by parents

as these books are part of the Book Rental Scheme. Copies are required for all subjects

A fine will be charged for damaged/lost books.

Exam papers for all subjects are included in Book Rental Scheme. If your son is NOT taking part in the Book Rental Scheme, exam papers for all subjects must be purchased in September.


Higher Level: *Fiúntas – Y.O’Toole/E.Wade (Edco)

*A Thig ná Tit Orm, Diarmuid Ó Tuama (C.J.Fallon)

*A Choimre agus Nótaí

Ordinary Level: *Fuinneamh – Y.O’Toole/E.Wade (Edco)

A4 Display Folder (100 pockets), Drémire magazine, available from Teacher (Higher level only)


Ordinary & Higher Level - use same books as last year

Comparative study texts will be decided in September (approx

€25 to be paid in September by all students)


Ordinary Level: *Text & Tests 3 – last years book

Higher Level: *Text & Tests 4 (New Edition),

*Text & Tests 5 (New Edition), (Celtic Press)

Essentials Unfolded Leaving Cert Higher Level Maths, M.Crowe (The Celtic Press) Note: Math book are not available on the Book Rental Scheme

Casio FX83GTX Calculator, Formulae & tables book (State Exams Commission), Geometry set, Red/Blue pens.2 x A4 Project Maths Grid Hardback copies.


* Dictatorship & Democracy 1920-45, Stephen Tonge (Edco)

*Case Studies: Politics and Society in Northern Ireland 1949-1993., M.Collins (Edco)

*Sovereignty & Partition 1912-1949, M.E. Collins (Edco)

*Division & Realignment 1945-1992, Sean Délap (Folens)

2 A4 Hardback copies


* Leaving Certificate Geography Earth, 1st Edition, M.Organ ( Blue book

* Earth Elective 5: Patterns & Processes in the Human Environment, M.Organ ( – Red book

A4 Hardback copy.


*Tout va Bien, 3rd Edition (2013), Dervla Murphy (Folens) - Blue Cover

A4 Hardback copy, A4 Display folder (100 pocket)


*Deutsch Komplett (Folens)- 1st Edition

*Hörthemen (all levels) C.J. Fallon

Eng/Ger, Ger/Eng Collins pocket dictionary. Retain A4 Display booklet A4 copy.


*Chemistry Live!, (2nd edition) Declan Kennedy (Folens)

Maths tables, graph paper.


*Leaving Cert Real World Physics by Dan O’Regan (Folens)

Maths Tables, Scientific Calculator, A4 Graph Pad, same copies as last year


*Leaving Certificate Biology Plus – Revised Edition, M. O’Callaghan (Edco)

Agricultural Science

*Breaking Ground (3rd edition) Carol Cronin, S. Tiernan (EDCO)


*21st Century Business by William Murphy (CJ Fallon)


*Accounting for Senior Cycle 3rd edition (Edco)


*New Appreciating Art, Visual Studies by A.Ní Chartaigh & A. O' Sullivan

A4 Display folder (20 pocket), A3 Sketchbook (stapled), 1 x A4 Softcopy

Art Pack (Student Art materials) -retain from last year


* Soundcheck Music at Leaving Cert. (Course A), Laura Lynch (Edco)

Manuscript Music copy, A4 hardback copy, pencil, eraser, sharpener, pens.

Construction Studies

*Get Constructive, E.Corcoran/S.King/W.Nolan (

Design &


*Graphics in Design & Communication Books 1 & 2, David Anderson (Gill Education)


A4 folder, copy

Career Guidance

A4 folder with plastic pockets, A4 refill pad

Exam P.E

*Winning Formula - Hillary Fitzgerald & Deirdre Colfer (Gill Education)

PE Equipment

(All students)

T shirt, half zip, tracksuit ants and school shorts, ALL CRESTED, only available to buy from

Black sports socks, gum shield.

Football boots are required for use on the sports field.

All items should be labelled with the students name.

Long hair must be securely tied back from face for PE class.

Note: Any items purchased online can be exchanged for different sizes if they are not personalised. Link to shop:



UNIFORM FITTING DAY, Tuesday 18 June 2024 from 8:00am to 11:00am

Arklow CBS,
Coolgreaney Rd,
Co. Wicklow,
Y14 RV04

0402 32 564

© 2025 Arklow CBS