Arklow CBS

AUG 2021 Work Safely Protocol

JMB Advice Note

“Work Safely Protocol”

Planning for return of in-person learning

The Government’s “Work Safely Protocol” ( requires St. Project’s Secondary School to put policies and practices in place to prevent the spread of Covid-19. Our Covid-19 policy statement is our commitment to providing a safe and healthy workplace for all our employees, learners and others who visit our school.

The Covid-19 response plan provides an overview of key areas that St. Project’s Secondary School assesses to ensure compliance with all necessary protocols and procedures and to minimise the risk to employees, learners and others. The Board of Management (BoM) has reviewed existing covid protocols and the Safety Statement and can confirm that St. Project’s Secondary School is in compliance with all current government and public health advice and guidance.

The BoM is adhering to the updated provisions of the “Work Safely Protocol” and the specific guidance note issued in advance of opening for special classes in line with the HPSC guidance. These measures are also applicable in mainstream class settings.

Pre-return-to-work provisions for all staff members returning to work. All new staff will be required to undertake induction training. This will be done using the HSA ( and DES ( online induction programmes. All other staff should keep up to date with public health advice as knowledge about Covid-19 continues to evolve. The latest up to-date advice and guidance can be found on the following websites:;;; and

The BoM will continue to provide necessary information and advice to staff on the Covid-19 measures in St. Projects Secondary School including their Covid-19 Response Plan and points of contact for addressing covid related matters at work.

The BoM and staff have a shared responsibility to implement the measures contained in the St. Project’s Secondary School Response Plan.

Issued by JMB

22 2024
Liaison Student Training
Arklow CBS,
Coolgreaney Rd,
Co. Wicklow,
Y14 RV04

0402 32 564

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