Arklow CBS

Homework Policy


Homework is an essential part of a child’s education and it plays important role in the education process. The teachers of Arklow CBS place great emphasis on the setting of meaningful homework which is designed to assist each child in reaching his full potential.

Objectives of Homework

  1. It consolidates the work done in the classroom, aids revision and provides practice for examinations.
  2. It enables the subject teachers to assess pupil progress effectively and to raise the achievement levels of all pupils.
  3. It helps to make students responsible for their own learning.
  4. It provides parents with information and opportunity to monitor their child’s progress.

Homework Defined

Homework is more than written and learning exercise. It also involves regular revision work and exam preparation.

Guidelines for Teachers

  • Teachers in the school are expected to set regular homework on topics covered in class.
  • Teachers should explain homework assignments clearly and allocate time to allow pupils to record homework in their journals.
  • Teachers are expected to check homework quickly after each assignment and maintain appropriate records.
  • Adequate time should be given to pupils to complete major assignments such as essays etc.
  • Homework during holiday periods, mid-term breaks etc. can be given at the teacher’s discretion. Exam classes may benefit from homework at these times.
  • Teachers should avail of every opportunity to encourage parents to become actively involved in their children’s homework.
  • Pupils should be made aware that it is their responsibility to get details of homework assignments from classmates or their teacher if they are absent from class/school for any reason.

Homework Sanctions

Homework assignments and deadlines are set by subject teachers and must be adhered to. Lack of co-operation by pupils will be dealt with as follows:

  • Verbal reprimand/and note in journal to be signed by parent
  • Homework demerit
  • Pupil may be detained during break/lunchtime until the work is completed
  • Discussion with parents by phone / by letter/ by visit to school
  • Suspension

Parents have a vital role to play in helping their children to achieve their full potential while at school. A positive and supportive home environment in which school and schoolwork are seen to be important provides an excellent starting point. Al available evidence suggests that pupils of parents who show real interest in their children’s education have a much better chance of making a success of their time at school.

Time Allocation for Homework

The amount of time taken to complete homework will vary from student to student and from year to year. Nonetheless parents/pupils find it useful to be given broad guidelines as to how much time is reasonable for pupils to spend on homework.

Arklow CBS recommends the following:

First year: 2 hours per night

Second year: 2.5 hours per night

Third year: 3 hours per night

Fifth year: 3.5 hours per night

Sixth year: 4 hours per night

Pupils who are sitting for State Examinations/house exams will probably require more time as exam time approaches.

We ask parents to:

  • If at all possible provide a quiet room, away from distractions; a comfortable chair; proper lighting and heating. Insist that your child avails of this room. It is not possible to do homework effectively while watching TV or listening to loud music.
  • Sign the Homework journal each week and check that homework is being entered properly. This means that both written and learning work are entered. Watch for notes from teachers and sign each note
  • Encourage your child. Give advice and support.
  • Discuss your child’s homework with him. Ask how he is getting on at school and even if the response is brief, as is often the case with teenagers, continue to maintain an interest.
  • Fully support the school in any sanctions we employ to deal with matters relating to homework. Failure to meet homework requirements is taken seriously by the school as we are aware that the neglect of homework can only result in underachievement.
  • Check presentation, handwriting, spelling and the condition of copybooks.
  • Attend parent-teacher meetings. Make an appointment to meet teachers if there are problems that need to be discussed.
  • Insist that your child draws up a study timetable which should take account of all your child’s weekly activities such as study, leisure, TV etc.
  • It is recommended that pupils do not engage in part-time work during the school week. Weekend work should not be allowed to interfere unduly with school work.
  • Do not keep your child home from school unless it is absolutely necessary. Medical and other appointments should be arranged for outside of school hours if at all possible. If your child does miss school/class make sure that all missed homework is attended to.
  • Extra study will be necessary as exam time approaches so Junior and Leaving Certificate students in particular should be encouraged to do extra study during holiday periods, breaks etc.
  • Study and homework are very tiring so you child needs adequate rest and sleep.

Guidelines for Pupils:

  • Homework should be done on time, in full and should be properly presented.
  • Each pupil must record all homework in his/her Homework Journal as outlined by subject teachers. Both written work and learning work must be recorded in the Journal.
  • Before you leave each class be sure that you understand clearly what your teacher expects you to do for homework. If in doubt ask for clarification.
  • Your Homework Journal must be signed by one of your parents/guardians each week and handed up to your class teacher for checking on the appointed day.
  • If you are absent from class/school for any reason it is your responsibility to find out details of the work that you missed. This applies also to pupils who miss classes due to sporting or other extra-curricular activities.
  • In the event of homework not being submitted, teachers will require notes of explanation in journal from parents/guardians. The homework must be completed.

Parents will be notified if a pupil’s performance at homework does not meet the school’s expectations.

Ratified 26/01/2011

Arklow CBS,
Coolgreaney Rd,
Co. Wicklow,
Y14 RV04

0402 32 564

© 2025 Arklow CBS