Arklow CBS

LC Awards 2022

LC Awards 2022

We are delighted to be able to host our annual Leaving Certificate Awards for 2022 on Friday 20 January 2023.

Br. Doody Cup for Best Leaving Certificate

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Sean O'Donovan - B.Sc. Sustainablity - U.C.D.

The Kincaid Cup for Best Science Grades

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Mrs. Kincaid presenting the Brendan Kincaid Cup for Best Science results

to Riain Fortune - Law - M.U.

Fintan Fanning Endeavour Cup for Consistent Work & Effort

Gavin Walker Fintan Fanning Endeavour Cup 2022.jpeg

Fintan Fanning, Gavin Walker - Aviation Management - D.C.U. & Peter Somers -

The Brendan Flannery Memorial Shield for Construction Studies


Maurice Flannery presenting the award in memory of Brendan to Darragh O'Murchú - AgScience - U.C.D..

Arklow CBS Edmund Rice Scholarship Awards

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The scholarships are awards to students for their contribution to the Academic, Sporting, Cultural and Leadership

Back Row: Josh Tunney, Adam Shanley, Gavin Walker, Roan Freehill, Lance Allen,

Front: Marcus Cosgrove, Evan Naik, Sean O’ Donovan, Darragh O’Murchú, Mert Kaya, Tiernan Kavanagh, Diego Akut,

In Absentia: Adam Mullervy, Keane Gaffney, Airas Slaitas, Riain Fortune,


High Achievement Award

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This Award is given to students that achieve over 450 points in their Leaving Certificate.

Back Row:Gavin Walker, Darragh O’ Murchú, Rian Fortune, Roan Freehill,

Front Row: Eleanor Kinsella, Airas Slaitas, Sean O’ Donovan, Diego Akut, Lance Allen & Peter Somers

In Absentia: Sergei Larionov, Adam Mullervy, Adam Wolohan, Mateusz Kogutek & Isaiah Andres

Special Recognition Awards

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This award was for student Leadership

Cian Murphy presented the award to Cathal Deay

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Awarded in Recognition of Academic Achievement

Ms. Pauline Fitzgerald presented the award to Adam Duffy

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