Arklow CBS

Transition Year

Transition Year

Transition Year

The Transition Year Programme is a unique one year programme that promotes the personal, social, vocational and educational development of students and prepares them for their role as autonomous, participative and responsible members of society (Transition Year Guidelines, 1994, Department of Education). TY provides a bridge to enable students to make the transition from the more dependent type of learning associated with Junior Cycle to the more independent learning environment associated with Senior Cycle. It encourages the development of a wide range of transferable critical thinking and creative problem solving skills.

The aims of the programme are:

  • Eductaion for Maturity with an emphasis on personal development and social awareness
  • The promation of general, technical and academic skills with an emphasis on interdisciplinary and self directed learning
  • Education through experience of adult and working life asa basis for personal development and maturity.

Arklow CBS,
Coolgreaney Rd,
Co. Wicklow,
Y14 RV04

0402 32 564

© 2025 Arklow CBS