Arklow CBS

Afterschool Hub

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Supervised Afterschool Hub, previously know as evening study, will commence on Monday 20th September at Arklow CBS. Afterschool Hub this year will be offered to 5th & 6th Year students, and then 3rd Year students.

Due to the prolonged closure of schools which arose due to COVID 19, supervised Afterschool Hub is an ideal opportunity for your son to get into a good, healthy and effective routine and to avail of a quiet, supervised environment to complete homework, revise, study and prepare for State Examinations in 2022/3.

The cost of supervised study will be €16 per week. It will be available to pay electronically in block payments. There will be no reimbursement if your son does not attend or drops out. It can be paid in the following blocks at a discounted rate. If you need us to arrange a payment plan with you, please do not hesitate to contact us.

5 weeks until October Midterm= €70

7weeks from Halloween break until Christmas =€100

6 weeks from January until February Midterm= €85

6 weeks from February midterm until Easter= €85

6 weeks from Easter until Summer exams = €85

Afterschool Hub will commence at 3.30pm and finish at 5.30pm every Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday. On Thursdays, it will commence at 4.10 and finish at 6.10pm. Students will have a 20 minute break immediately after they finish class to eat and relax before they start their work. A 5 minute break will be allowed half way through the session.

A roll call will be taken at the start of each Afterschool session. Parents will be notified by email if their son has not shown up. No phones or electronic devices are allowed, unless it is used for academic purposes. This will be monitored by the supervisor. Afterschool Hub will be in full compliance with COVID-19 school regulations and the schools code of behavior.

If you wish for your son to take part in Afterschool Hub, please complete the following link before Thursday 16th September.

Sign Up here for the Afterschool Hub

Any queries contact Ms. Rooney directly at

Arklow CBS,
Coolgreaney Rd,
Co. Wicklow,
Y14 RV04

0402 32 564

© 2025 Arklow CBS