Arklow CBS

Covid - Close contact, return to school protocols

Dear Parent/Guardian,
Please see below full information on Covid Testing and the procedures involved before return to school can be allowed.

If you're a close contact of a person that tests positive for COVID-19 (coronavirus) you need to get tested for COVID-19.

You also need to restrict your movements (stay at home) for 14 days.

You can stop restricting your movements when both of the below apply:

  • You have a negative test (COVID-19 not detected) 10 days after you were last in contact with the person who tested positive.
  • You do not have any symptoms of COVID-19.

Most people will need 2 COVID-19 tests.

First test

When you book online, you will get a text message with an appointment date and details for your first COVID-19 test. Your first test appointment will be scheduled for as soon as possible. Stay at home and restrict your movements, even if you feel well.

Second test (read this info carefully)

Your second test will usually be scheduled for 10 days after you were last in contact with the person who tested positive.

If your last contact with this person was more than 8 days ago, you will only have one test.


If your first test is negative

If your first test was less than 10 days after your last contact and is negative (COVID-19 not detected), you need to continue to restrict your movements for 14 days.

If your first test was at least 10 days after your last contact and you have no symptoms you can stop restricting your movements. You will not need a second test.


When you can stop restricting your movements:

If your second test is negative

You can stop restricting your movements if you:

  • have a negative test (COVID-19 not detected) 10 days after your last contact with the person who tested positive
  • and do not have any symptoms of COVID-19

If you develop symptoms after a negative test

If you get a negative test result and you then develop symptoms, self-isolate and phone your GP.

Tell your GP that you were tested as a close contact and you have since developed symptoms of COVID-19. The GP will discuss referring you for another free COVID-19 test.

If a first or second test is positive

You will need to self-isolate if you test positive.

Most people can stop self-isolating when both of these apply:

  • you have had no fever for 5 days
  • and it has been 10 days since you first developed symptoms or from the date of your test if you did not have symptoms
22 2024
Liaison Student Training
Arklow CBS,
Coolgreaney Rd,
Co. Wicklow,
Y14 RV04

0402 32 564

© 2024 Arklow CBS