Arklow CBS

LCVP - TY Christmas Trade Fair 16_Dec_2020

LCVP - TY Christmas Trade Fair 16_Dec_2020

Our 5th year LCVP students organised a Christmas Trade Fair for our TY Mini companies to display and sell their products

AGB Gloves - Sam Butler & Oran Dunning


Stressless - Patrick Doyle

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Door Wreath Designs - Darragh Doyle

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Only Fools & Horse Shoes - Eoin Byrne & Padraic Bermingham

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Chocolate Bouquet - Patrick Boyle, Bobby Desmond & Paidi Kavanagh

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Captain Candles - Patrick Dickenson, Conor McElheron, Niall O'Donovan & Tony Xue

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Crafty Christmas - Scott Kavanagh, Conor Healy & Ross Byrne

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Handy Sanitizer - Shree Shingapure, Oisin Keogh & Adam Molloy

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Gaming Tournaments - Jack Douglas & Fionn Henry

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Klix - Dylan Hayden, Oliver Bentley, Jos Raftery & Robbie Hannon


String Boards - Oran Kelly, John O'Neill & Owen Byrne

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Timber Crafts - Thomas Burke, William Gregory, Ferike Pap & Luca Ghiurcan

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Positively Delicious - Jamie Tobin

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Simple Soaps - Dylan Boden, Konrad Korpalski, Juliusz Pawlaw & Eric O'Toole

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Magic Bottles - Sean McCarthy, Steven O'Toole & Callum O'Neill

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Maskey - Josh Treacy


5th Yr Raffle Station - Keane Gaffney & Tiernan O'Brien

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1st Yr Origami - Markuss Kazimirs & Kobe Huang


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