Arklow CBS

Remote Teaching & Learning Protocols

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Firstly, we would like to acknowledge the huge efforts and workload completed by our students and teachers to date in this most unusual of academic years. We would also like to acknowledge and express our appreciation for the successful partnership that we have developed between home and school in terms of the support for the online learning that took place.

As you are aware, due to the current situation with COVID-19 we have again moved to online learning for the foreseeable future. As a school and as a teaching staff we would much prefer to be in school teaching students in person. This unfortunately cannot be the case. However, we have gained a lot of experience in online teaching and learning from March 2020 and we are extremely well placed to provide highly effective teaching and learning remotely for our students.

In anticipation of the move to online learning Arklow C.B.S. already has the following in place:

  • All classes are already on MS Teams.
  • Students are now used to receiving homework assignments through MS Teams regularly.
  • Students are already familiar with accessing and uploading homework assignments.
  • Most students are using MS OneDrive.
  • All students have their full MS Office 365 account.
  • Clear protocols for students for online teaching and learning.

Please Note

As yet we have received no guidance with regard to how the state examinations will proceed and about the associated orals, CBA’s and practical work. We will keep you informed as we are updated. In the interim teachers will continue to prepare students for the state exams and students should work and study accordingly.

Online Teaching

All online classes will be through MS Teams and according to your son’s school timetable only. So, it is vitally important that from Monday to Friday your son goes to bed at a realistic hour so that he can be up and ready to attend school (albeit online) the next day.

The roll will be called as normal for all online classes and student absences will be recorded on VSware. If your son is sick and therefore cannot participate in online classes, then you must contact school in the normal way to notify us of the illness.

Students not participating in online classes and/or not submitting designated homework will also be recorded on VSware. We suggest that you check VSware regularly to keep tabs on your son's progress. All parents have a VSware login but if you are having any issues please contact the school immediately and the situation will be rectified.

We are aware that online teaching is different, therefore schoolwork will not necessarily be covered entirely in the same way as normal class. Teachers are mindful that students will be in front of a computer/digital device for a considerable amount of time each day, both for online classes and completing and uploading assignments, therefore all classes will not necessarily be live streamed; some will be self-directed learning, assignments, quizzes, evaluation feedback, recordings, PowerPoints, essays, gathering of resource materials. However, all homework/ assignments will be announced during normal class time or recorded on MS Teams/Assignments/OneNote and MS Teams/Calendar.

We have prepared a set of student protocols for online learning (see below) and we would appreciate if you could familiarise yourself with these and continually reinforce them with your son. Teachers will already have spoken to students extensively about the protocols for online learning, but it is really important that parents/guardians do so too.

Student Protocol for Online Learning

  • All student/teacher contact should be through MS Teams.
  • Students should be mindful of our normal school hours and should minimise contact with staff outside of normal school, apart from uploading homework to MS Teams.
  • Be aware that some of your timetabled classes may not be live streamed; some may be self-directed learning, assignments, quizzes, evaluation feedback, recordings, PowerPoints, essays, gathering of resource materials (Blended Learning).
  • Check your MS Teams schedule daily for teacher notifications.
  • Homework will continue as normal through teacher announcing it during class time or on ‘Assignments’ and or ‘Class Notebook’ on MS Teams.
  • Change your MS Teams Avatar/profile picture to a headshot of yourself (like a passport photo).
  • Be on time for your classes.
  • Your camera should be switched on for all your classes.
  • Students attending online classes through MS Teams are expected to dress appropriately and use the ‘blur background setting’ if available during live teaching sessions. (please note the ‘Blur Background’ option is only available on compatible devices)
  • During online class microphones must always be muted unless otherwise directed by your teacher.
  • DO NOT post comments during online class as they are a distraction to others, interrupting students from learning and teachers from teaching.
  • During normal school opening, the classroom is the forum for asking teachers questions, either just before class begins, during class or at the end of class. Therefore, if you have a question for you teacher do so at these times and not through MS Teams.
  • Students have a personal responsibility to catch up on classwork and or homework missed.
  • Each student in Arklow C.B.S. has signed and adopted the code of behaviour for the school. The code of behaviour emphasises respect and safety in the classroom and online to enable teachers to teach and students to learn. It is important that students remember this as they embrace their online learning.

Non – Exam subjects

Due to the academic pressures that students and teachers will be under in working remotely it has been decided that the classes for the non-exam subjects, CSPE, SPHE, PE and fifth and sixth year Religion will not proceed. This time should be used wisely by students to get some exercise and to take a break from their online work.


We are conscious that not being at school and mixing with their peers can create pressure on a young person, so with this in mind tutorial class will run twice per week at its normal time. Tutorial will take place on a Monday and a Friday. This time will give students the chance to discuss any issues they may be having or to share their own experiences of online learning. Tutors can offer guidance and support to your son. Additionally, the life skills class will remain in place for first and second years.

Home support

Without parent/guardian support in ensuring their son participates in online learning the process cannot succeed. In these strange times, both home and school need to work in partnership to ensure the best possible education outcomes for our students. Should you or your son encounter any difficulties regarding online learning please do not hesitate to contact us - we will do everything we can to help.

Kind regards,

Arklow C.B.S. staff.

Arklow CBS,
Coolgreaney Rd,
Co. Wicklow,
Y14 RV04

0402 32 564

© 2024 Arklow CBS